Family Stories

Sharing family stories is an extremely powerful way to raise awareness of Kawasaki Disease. It is our hope it will help grow understanding, awareness and knowledge about Kawasaki Disease and protect the tiny hearts of the future.

We are incredibly grateful to the families featured here, on this very special page, that have generously shared their unique Kawasaki Disease journey to help get Kawasaki Disease known.

Would you like to share your story? We have created a short online form here for you to fill in. We hope it will make it really simple and easy for you to put your thoughts onto ‘paper’.

Our family stories are brought to life with the wonderful pictures below our families have shared. 

We are committed to protecting children’s privacy as a charity – so we never use images of children from which they can be recognised. If you’re wondering why you can’t see their beautiful faces in any of the pics – that’s why! Read more about our children’s privacy policy here.

Natasha’s Story

… we are just so grateful Caleb is well and healthy again… read more.

Laura’s Story

James is amazing and copes so, so well with an amazing group of friends who look out for him… read more.


Aileen’s Story

Trust your instincts, you can be told something will get better in time but you know your own child best… read more.


Loren’s Story

It has made us realise how lucky we are… read more.


Michaela’s Story

Awareness is really important as I had never heard of it until we were in the thick of it… read more. 

Sarah’s Story

My boy was so brave when so poorly and remains so brave when he takes his medication… read more.

Lorna’s Story

We had months of illness which culminated in a lengthy hospital stay and several queries over diagnosis… read more.

Ali’s Story

Imogen’s heart was seriously and permanently damaged when she was just 12 weeks old… read more.

Michelle’s Story

I wish I had known about Kawasaki Disease and also that health care professionals had been better informed… read more.

Laura’s Story

I want to reduce the chances of families having to go through having a child left with a damaged heart… read more.

Heather’s Story

I lost my beautiful boy to this and if only GPs and hospital Drs were more aware he would still be here… read more.

Lucy’s Story

Coming soon…