Fundraising Ideas

THANK YOU for wanting to get fundraising for Societi!
We value every contribution and work hard to maximise the impact of all the funding we receive. Societi is funded primarily by donations and contributions from fundraisers. In order to raise awareness and influence change we do incur costs!
So – if you’d like to fundraise for us – and want to create a fundraising page online for your event you can use JustGiving. This means you can set up and manage your own page, for your fundraising events and activities.
Our Just Giving page can be found here:
Fundraising Ideas, Links & Dowloads
If you’re interested in fundraising for Societi, we can provide you with the tools you’ll need to do that! We value the work of all our fundraisers and we’ll work with you to make your event a success. Let us know how we can help you and we’ll always try to provide you with what you need. You’ll find lots of ideas and downloadable posters on this page to help you hold a variety of events, but if you’ve something else in mind, just get in touch and we’ll help where we can! Perhaps a Curry Night – or a Bingo Night – or a Concert is what you have in mind…. Maybe a Superhero day – a cake sale, a wear red day? We have helped our fundraisers with so many different types of event.
It is so important that we raise awareness of Kawasaki Disease and we want it to be easy for you to get involved! Get together with friends/colleagues/school, decide which type of event you would like to hold and use our posters to promote your fundraising event.
Featured Downloads
Swim Serpentine

The Kilt Walk

Tough Mudder

London to Paris Bike Ride

Societi Non-uniform Day

We understand that our supporters work very hard to raise funds for Societi to enable us to carry on in our work. We know too, that it is extremely important to our supporters to understand where the money from their fundraising goes. Have a look at our fundraising targets page here to see where the funds YOU raise are spent and how they help in the fight against Kawasaki Disease.