We have 4 priority targets for our fundraising! Help us to achieve these and you will directly be helping our work, here in the UK:
1. Awareness raising – Kawasaki Disease
3. Projects which advance UK Kawasaki Disease understanding
4. Supporting affected families throughout the UK
When you fundraise for us, if you’d like to support a particular target area, please let us know! We will make sure we invest the funds you have raised in that area.
Here are just some of the projects we desparately need YOUR help to fund!
Children’s Hospitals – Partnership Programme:
If more doctors know Kawasaki Disease, more children will be saved from a lifetime of heart disease – and more children’s hearts will be protected. It costs about £250 a year to provide one hospital with training and resources to get Kawasaki Disease known. Societi supports almost 70 hospitals in this way already and that number is growing.
Raising Awareness:
We work with partners, families, supporters and businesses to get Kawasaki Disease known. Each awareness activity, we believe, directly saves lives and helps protect children’s hearts. A £100 contribution helps us support a community to get Kawasaki Disease known, with information, resources and materials they can share, post and signpost others to.
Family Support:
Each family is unique – and the support they seek from us is unique too. On average, it costs about £125 per family to provide essential support, responses to queries at time of great need, information leaflets, online support and accurate, clinically backed information.
Teaching programmes to protect children’s hearts:
Each year we train hundreds of doctors so that they know more about Kawasaki Disease. £350 means we can deliver key training session for up to 10 doctors – to make sure they know – and can spot – Kawasaki Disease, and help protect children’s hearts. That contributes to online, in-person and session training at conferences.
Access to trusted information:
Thousands of people access our online resources every year – and we work hard to keep those up to date – backed by the best clinical information available. Hosting our website, updating our information, adding new resources, responding to online contacts and supporting families all takes time. £50 means we can refresh a page on our 120+ page website, and make sure it continues to provide the best possible information for families who need our service.
New films for families:
Perhaps one of the most expensive – but one of the most used resources we offer: our family films. Each one of these costs about £2,500 to make – from start to finish. That’s a huge amount – but each film we have made has been watched THOUSANDS of times – showing how important this virtual support is for our families. A contribution towards new films is always hugely appreciated.
Research for the future:
Children with Kawasaki Disease face so many uncertainties. We are working with doctors and the NHS to prioritise research into the impacts of, and treatments for Kawasaki Disease. These are multi million pound research projects – but developing the ideas – bringing the doctors and funders together to develop ideas – and making applications to funders, costs time and money. We spend about £1,000 each month towards these goals. Your contribution counts.
GP and Hospital packs:
Getting doctors on the front line in YOUR community to know Kawasaki Disease is something you can help with. £20 allows us to send one GP pack to a local surgery. £50 allows us to send a pack to 3 different recipients in a local hospital. You can make a difference in your neighbourhood by donating one or more packs to help educate doctors about Kawasaki Disease, who will see and treat local children.
New resources for doctors and families:
Each year we develop new resources, working with our fabulous team of doctors – to help support families – and help inform doctors to get Kawasaki Disease better known. Each resource – a booklet, a leaflet, an online pdf, a mini animation and many more, costs on average about £1,500 to create and publish or print. But our resources are used by THOUSANDS of people each year, and we send thousands of copies of our printed info to every part of the U.K. each year. A donation of £150 makes a significant contribution to this important aspect of our work!
Fundraising & Making Your Contribution
Societi is funded primarily by donations and contributions from fundraisers. On other pages on this site you can find out more about ways to fundraise and how we can help support you in your fundraising – as well as inspiring stories from Societi volunteers who are working hard for Kawasaki Disease, raising awareness and funding – RIGHT NOW!
Without the incredible support of our volunteer fundraisers, we could not continue our work.
How to send us your funds raised or simply make a donation?
You can send in funds raised in a number of ways! However it arrives, we will be delighted!!
- By bank transfer – please get in touch
- By Justgiving
- Through our Facebook page
- By cheque – please make cheques payable to “Societi Foundation” and post to Victoria Court, Holme Lane, Winthorpe, Newark, Notts, NG24 2NU