THINK Kawasaki Disease

Kawasaki Disease presents with symptoms, many of which mirror those of other common childhood diseases. The symptoms of Kawasaki Disease can also appear in series (i.e. not all at once) over a few days.

The single defining characteristic of Kawasaki Disease is the distinctively persistent high fever, which is always present together with two or more of the symptoms shown here.

Because of the similarity of symptoms with other childhood illnesses and because Kawasaki Disease awareness is currently low, cases of Kawasaki Disease are often misdiagnosed.  ​At Societi, we want to change that – and encourage medical practitioners to…

…THINK Kawasaki Disease! 

…when children with these symptoms are seen. Timely diagnosis will IMPROVE a child’s chances of a good recovery. ​

At Societi we recognise timely diagnosis, followed by correct treatment as a transformational opportunity to prevent what can be devastating effects from Kawasaki Disease. By raising awareness of Kawasaki Disease across policy makers and funders, the medical community and the general public, Societi aims to enable children to have access to timely diagnosis, correct treatment and appropriate long term support.