Raising awareness of Kawasaki Disease is our No 1 priority. Coming up with new ways to reach people and re-inventing the story of Kawasaki Disease really does keep our Founder awake at night! We know Kawasaki Disease is SERIOUS. Awareness is URGENT. We are determined to tell “just” 65 million people about Kawasaki Disease. That’s everyone in the UK. Please help us if you can.

Remember TEMPERS!
Children with Kawasaki Disease can be characteristically irritable. Our Founder created this TEMPERS mnemonic to help everyone remember the symptoms of Kawasaki Disease.
Would you like to help us tell everyone about our TEMPERS?!
Please get in touch and we can talk about ways we can can help you if you want to work together with us to raise awareness of Kawasaki Disease.
Or print out your own TEMPERS by using the download link below!
Print your own TEMPERS?
Raising Awareness – In your community, at work, at your school
Making Kawasaki Disease memorable is important. Making it VISIBLE is important too. That’s why we have made a printable poster. You can download it here, print it out and take it places…..

Take it to your……
- GP
- Pharmacy
- Nursery
- School
- Community Centre
- Post Office
- Supermarket Community notice board
- Office
Oh, and you’ll have even more ideas than us! Take it to a busy place – pin it up – and you’ll be raising Kawasaki Disease awareness!
Download your Awareness Poster HERE!
And PLEASE!! Tweet us at @Societi_UK_KD or email us (info@societi.co.uk) with a picture of your poster, tell us where you’ve put it up and we’ll re-tweet it!