For Funders and Policy Makers

Societi is a young organisation but in a short time, we have already made a measurable positive impact for children affected by Kawasaki Disease. However, there is much more that needs to be done. We are actively seeking urgently needed investment so we can grow and accelerate our impact.

For too long, the treatment and care of children in the UK has been hampered by gaps in knowledge and understanding, limited investment, poor levels of awareness of Kawasaki Disease and limited clinical expertise, except in just a few locations.

We have set out eight priorities and key activities – all of which would be accelerated substantially with support and investment. These are:

1. Every doctor to know Kawasaki Disease

Hospital doctors still routinely fail to recognise Kawasaki Disease and the medical emergency that it presents. In partnership with RCGP we have developed an E-Learning course for clinicians (diagnosis and acute management) which, is now available to over 100,000 clinicians UK wide. Additional capacity and investment to engage clinicians (e.g. Primary Care pack for distribution) will enable us to significantly expedite our work so all clinicians know Kawasaki Disease and expect to see it.

2. Strategic partnerships – children’s hospitals

Societi Foundation is delighted to announce the start of a three-year children’s hospital partnership programme – thanks to the generous investment and support from the Randal Charitable Foundation. Find out more about the children’s hospital partnership programme and the Randal Charitable Foundation here.

3. An engaged adult cardiology community

We need dedicated capacity which we can commit to working with the UK cardiology community. This clinical leadership is crucial if we are to safeguard those with heart damage who need long term care – as they face much higher, lifelong risks of major cardiac problems.

4. A Registry for Kawasaki Disease

A Registry is urgently needed to underpin future research, grow awareness, assist communication with patients and critically, build knowledge here in the UK.

5. UK led research

There is a rapidly rising population of those affected by Kawasaki Disease – a population which faces significant risks, and with a lack of UK research, these risks are not quantified or managed. Kawasaki Disease needs the same public investment in UK led research as other childhood illnesses to protect children’s hearts from the devastating consequences of this serious disease.

6. Raising awareness

Building knowledge of Kawasaki Disease with clinicians is critical. We aim to grow awareness with the public too – as only when Kawasaki Disease is commonly known, will children have the very best chances of early diagnosis, early treatment and a strong recovery. Our ability to reach more people rests on expanded organisational capacity to develop new programmes and capital to invest in the delivery of these.

7. Support for UK families

Having a child affected by a serious, life threatening disease that can leave a lifelong legacy of heart damage is a traumatic experience that up to one thousand families a year affected by Kawasaki Disease face. Investment will mean Societi can provide specialist, professional support on an individual basis – including a dedicated helpline with access to a trained counsellor with knowledge of Kawasaki Disease.

8. Organisational capacity

If we are to prevent heart damage in thousands more children, we need dedicated funds to support and increase our core staff team to actively drive progress sustainably and consistently.

More information on the eight key areas can be found in our Partnership Proposal below. We have also assembled other key documents below which we think will be of particular relevance that funders and policy makers may be interested in. But if you’re looking for information and can’t find it here, please do get in touch.

A Manifesto for Kawasaki Disease

A Manifesto for Kawasaki Disease

We have set out a number of key needs in this Manifesto, on behalf of our growing community – an estimated 20,000 people in the UK who have been affected by Kawasaki Disease. We ask the incoming government, and MPs elected on 4 July 2024, to do all they can to respond to these needs, […]

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International Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day 2024 – A three-month long campaign – Impact Statement

International Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day 2024 – A three-month long campaign – Impact Statement

This year, for International Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day, we took a HUGE leap forward and extended our campaign to cover a whole three months from the beginning of January to the end of March. Read our Impact Statement to find out how, TOGETHER, we have made a diffence to children affected by Kawasaki Disease!

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Societi Foundation Annual Report and Accounts 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2022

Societi Foundation Annual Report and Accounts 1 January 2022 – 31 December 2022

World Heart Day 2023 – Impact Statement

World Heart Day 2023 – Impact Statement

We are so proud to have been able to work with phenomenal supporters and magnificent partners together on our World Heart Day campaign. Read our Impact Statement to find out what we all got up to, to raise awareness of Kawasaki Disease and protect tiny hearts!

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International Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day 2023 – Impact Statement

International Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day 2023 – Impact Statement

We’re very pleased to present our awareness day 2023 impact statement. Thanks to the exceptional efforts of our supporters and our partners, this has been our most successful awareness day campaign to date. We worked throughout January, asking everyone to ‘THINK Kawasaki Disease’ as we endeavour to get this sinister disease known. By working together, […]

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World Heart Day 2022 – Impact Statement

World Heart Day 2022 – Impact Statement

We protected tiny hearts from Kawasaki Disease! We’re proud to share with you a snapshot of the just some of the impact we’ve made, working together on our World Heart Day campaign. Just take a look…

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Societi Foundation Annual Report and Accounts 1 January 2021 – 31 December 2021

Societi Foundation Annual Report and Accounts 1 January 2021 – 31 December 2021

Societi Foundation Annual Report & Accounts – 01 July 2020 – 31 December 2020

Societi Foundation Annual Report & Accounts – 01 July 2020 – 31 December 2020

Priorities for Partnership

Priorities for Partnership

In this document, you will find information on Societi’s priorities and key activities for which we will need to find new funding sources, if we are to succeed. These priorities are a direct response to need – informed by evidence through research and which we believe will positively affect outcomes by reducing life long heart […]

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A UK Strategy for Kawasaki Disease

A UK Strategy for Kawasaki Disease

In 2016 Societi Foundation led the development of the first ever UK Strategy for Kawasaki Disease. This important document successfully directed the focus of the first five years of work by our charity. In that time much has been achieved, working through partnerships and creating change across the landscape of Kawasaki Disease in the UK. […]

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