National Overview – UK
Kawasaki Disease: a prospective population survey in the UK and Ireland from 2013 to 2015
August 2018
Kawasaki Disease is an increasingly common vasculitis with risk of coronary artery aneurysms. The last UK survey was in 1990. Current epidemiology, treatment patterns and complication rates are unknown. The aim of this study, undertaken across the UK and Ireland, was to address this knowledge gap.
How to spot zebras – Kawasaki Disease
May 2018
‘When you hear hoofbeats, think of horses not zebras’ – the old adage is well-known to GPs but what should you do when faced with a zebra, not a horse?
Retrospective study of the impact of unrecognised Kawasaki Disease, coronary aneurysm and ectasia
December 2017
The first UK study to retrospectively review and characterise the angiographic prevalence of Kawasaki Disease
Kawasaki Disease Incidence in Children and Adolescents
February 2016
The aim of the paper was to determine the current UK incidence of Kawasaki Disease across childhood and adolescence
2013 UK Management of Kawasaki Disease
December 2013
This paper sets out the UK recommended guidance for patient management and clinical care for acute Kawasaki Disease and indicates long term care needs, together with summarising recent advances in the understanding of KD pathogenesis and therapeutics.