TICK TOCK TICK TOCK! We don’t have time!
June 2018
“Slow treatment times for Kawasaki Disease continue to put children’s hearts at risk” – says Societi, the U.K.
Foundation for Kawasaki Disease.
Today – International Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day – sees the start of a campaign for every
doctor and every parent in the UK to know the symptoms of Kawasaki Disease, the leading cause of
acquired heart disease in children. Societi, The UK Foundation for Kawasaki Disease is stepping up efforts to grow awareness and encourage urgent action when treating this increasingly common, serious disease.
Key Messages
Unacceptably high levels of heart damage in children are occurring from Kawasaki Disease in the UK.
Poor awareness means UK Treatment times for Kawasaki Disease remain too slow
Watch Kate’s story and hear the devastating consequences of a delayed Kawasaki Disease diagnosis on Societi’s Family Portal, launched today: www.societi.org.uk/family-resource-portal/