World Heart Day – 29 September 2024

Read our World Heart Day media release

Coming soon…

This World Heart Day, 29 September 2024… xxxx

World Heart Day Statement – Sunday 29 September 2024

On World Heart Day, we are highlighting the need for those who have suffered lasting heart damage from Kawasaki Disease to receive the correct and neccessary follow-up care they require.

Kawasaki Disease won’t cause heart damage in the majority of children that are affected. However, 19% of those who are affected will have suffered lasting heart damage and will require follow-up care in line with published guidance.

Our Key Messages:

  1. One in five children affected by Kawasaki Disease develop serious lifelong heart damage and will require follow-up care into adulthood
  2. Where a patient lives should not determine whether or not they receive the correct follow up care in line with published guidance
  3. Those suffering lasting heart damage from Kawasaki Disease may not be receiving the clincal care they urgently need

Postcode lottery for Kawasaki care

On World Heart Day, Societi, the UK Foundation for Kawasaki Disease is highlighting the urgent need for investment in Kawasaki Disease follow-up care for those who have suffered lasting heart damage and is calling for all NHS Trusts and Health Boards across the UK to adopt published lifetime cardiovascular management guidance to protect those most in need.

With an estimated 20,000 children, young people and adults living with the effects of Kawasaki Disease, there is an ever-growing cohort in the UK of those who have been affected by Kawasaki Disease. 19% of all those in the UK who have been affected by Kawasaki Disease will have suffered lasting heart damage but many may not be getting the lifetime care they need. Levels of care are ultimately determined by where a patient lives and what guidance their local NHS Trust chooses to follow.  This is leading to inconsistent care across the UK and a ‘postcode lottery’ for patients who have suffered heart damage.

Societi Foundation research shows a present rate of up to 1,000 hospital admissions in the UK alone for Kawasaki Disease each year. Once considered a rare disease, incidence is rapidly rising globally and it is now increasingly common. Around 190 children every year will  experience heart damage resulting in the need for specialist, lifetime clinical care – some NHS Trusts and Health Boards in the UK will fail to provide this as expert guidance remains overlooked and unadopted.

Societi Foundation Chair of Trustees and internationally renowned Kawasaki Disease expert, Professor Robert Tulloh said “Too many individuals with lasting heart damage from Kawasaki Disease are not getting the follow-up care they urgently require. NHS Trusts and Health Boards need to adopt published long term cardiac management guidance to ensure consistent care right across the UK. Societi Foundation wants to ensure everyone has access to the correct care. We’ve produced and distributed a ‘quick guide’ based on the long term gguidance, to every NHS Trust and Health Board to help doctors and healthcare professionals understand what care is required for these patients.”

On World Heart Day, Societi Foundation is calling for consistent follow-up care for those who are worst affected by Kawasaki Disease and recognition that commitment to public investment is needed to protect 1,000s of UK hearts. For too long, Kawasaki Disease has silently been devastating lives – and thousands of people live today with the all-too-often severe impact of Kawasaki Disease. We want to make sure they can access the care they urgently need regardless of their location in the UK.

World Heart Day 2024

Second only to International Kawasaki Disease Awareness Day – WORLD HEART DAY is one of the BIGGEST days in the Societi calendar,

Every year the World Heart Federation runs a global campaign to raise awareness of heart health, and the importance of looking after our hearts. Each year we work together on World Heart Day to raise awareness of Kawasaki Disease, the leading cause of acquired heart disease in children in the western world – Kawasaki Disease.

This year we are once again partnering with the World Heart Federation on World Heart Day to highlight the issues surrounding Kawasaki Disease. Our number one priority is to raise awareness and we’re on a mission to tell everyone about Kawasaki Disease. That includes supporting doctors, nurses and other healthcare professionals to recognise Kawasaki Disease and understand the needs of those who are affected.



Create, make or bake – let’s celebrate our hearts for Kawasaki Disease awareness!

We’re challenging ALL of our supporters to create, make or bake a heart this World Heart day to help us to raise awareness of Kawasaki Disease.

We want as many people as possible to get creative and send us a photo of a heart they’ve made, baked or created in anyway possible with anything possible – your imagination is your ony limitation. Maybe you’re a dab hand with some paper and coloured pencils, or a perhaps you’re crafty with the crochet? How about a heart made from people or a run on your Strava! Can you bake a heart shaped cake? Or, would you prefer to mow the lawn in the shape of a heart? Here’s some ideas below!

Whatever you do and however you create your heart we want to see the photos – tag us on social or send them to Of course there will be a prize for the best heart – judged by our Founder, Rachael.

Take part in our name the bear competition!

There’s a brand new member of #TeamSocieti!! But wait… the poor thing hasn’t got a name yet!

Here’s an early sneak peak at this year’s Societi Foundation Christmas merchandise! We’re so excited to present our brand new Societi Bear! But before we offer him for sale on our shop, we need a proper name!!

Take part in our competition to name the Societi Bear! Entries cost just £5 and you’ll be in with a chance to win the first ever Societi Bear produced – and of course have the prestigious opportunity to name the newest (and cutest) member of #TeamSocieti!

To enter, donate your £5 entry fee via the link below and you will be directed to a form where you can leave your details along with your entry. We’ll announce the winner shortly after World Heart Day. Good luck!!


Raise awareness in you community!

World Heart Day is the perfect time to raise awareness of Kawasaki Disease and protect hearts! So, why not get involved? Help us make plans, take part, raise funds and let’s make World Heart Day a HUGE success.

❤️❤️ Have a – – Kawasaki conversation over coffee and cake – – in your local community, or just with friends! What a brilliant excuse (if we needed one…) for eating CAKE!!! Whilst raising funds to protect tiny hearts!


❤️❤️ Or why not hold a – – wear red day – – at work – or at child’s school/nursery? Make a statement in RED to help fundraise and get this sinister disease known!


It’s EASY to get involved! Just like 1, 2, 3!

1. Choose your event and pick your date!

2. Click here for your wear red fundraising pack and posters, or for your coffee, cake and Kawasaki conversation fundraising pack and posters click here!

3. Create your JustGiving fundraising page here

And you’re set to go, to protect tiny hearts!!! ❤️❤️❤️

Get in touch and let us know your plans – we love to hear what everyone is up to for World Heart Day. We’ll support you wherever we can. And, if you need help with your World Heart Day event for Kawasaki Disease awareness – or if you’ve got any questions, comments or feedback about World Heart Day 2024, just get in touch! We’re always happy to help wherever we can!