FOAM, Medical Education

This fantastic clinical learning resource (click here to access the resource link) has been shared with full consent of the patients family as obtained by the resource developers, ASKSNIFF who together with Dr Damian Roland (@Damian_Roland) have given Societi permission to provide a link here for clinicians visiting our site.

Presenting Complaint:  A 3 year old boy presents to an emergency department (ED) with a fever.
His parents describe him has having been very miserable from the start of the illness. Following a visit to his GP, he was prescribed penicillin but developed a widespread rash. He returned and an allergy was suspected. His antibiotics were switched to Clarithromycin but there was no improvement in his symptoms. 4 days into his illness he started complaining of pain in his right foot and his parents noticed he had been walking with a limp. Today they were worried he might be dehydrated as he had developed dry lips.
